New images

Coloring book new images
Coloring book - cat
Coloring book - cat

Coloring book - watermelon
Coloring book - watermelon

Images collection update

Significant update to images collection. 

Coloring book

New images

Significant update to images collection. Now 200 images are available to color, for the same app price.

Coloring book image

New images. Hurray!

An update for Colorista app is almost ready to be released. 

Amazing collection of characters. 

Coloring book new image
Coloring book. Characters

Coffee with Colorista

An example image from Geometry category. Light and shadow.

Coloring shadow and light
Colorista geometry

Coloring book update

Good news! An upcoming update for Colorista contains new material brushes and new images collections. There will be new pics for tech, cars, buildings, mandalas. And let us introduce a new images category - Geometry. Here you can color images the way that the resulting image looks like it has three dimensions. The game of light and shadow.

Geometry coloring
Light and shadow in Colorista

Images collection update

Good news. An upcoming update will contain new set of images - birds, insects, vases, mandalas, tech. Enjoy our coloring book!

Vase for coloring book
Coloring book update

New images for coloring book

Good news. Colorista will soon receive some new images to paint: birds, tech, houses. Stay tuned.

colorista update

Coloring book image example

A butterfly:

Coloring book butterfly
Coloring book image example

New exciting coloring book

It is a great pleasure to share with you that new coloring book app is now available in Microsoft Store. Amazing colors and material brushes. Pictures for any age.

Colorista App